Monday, April 5, 2010

Choice Choices

As I reflect upon this edu-techie continuum of change, I am encouraged by the range of choices afforded us. While the word 'frustration' has been a frequent flyer on this airbus of technology, it hasn't been attached exclusively to one thing or another, and that's good news. There are a multitude of ways to accomplish the same goals, many roads to the kingdom.
Take podcasting, the latest grain of sand in our oyster. Worked for some, not so well for others, terribly for a few. Was it the tools that were the problem, or just that podcasts we're the best tool for your teaching? If audacity and teacher tube aren't your cup of tea, there are other ones available and still more coming online, and lest we forget, Jing and YouTube record the audio! Aim the webcam at the sky and start talking. So if it's simply getting sound out there, just expanding your definition of 'podcast', which is simply an audio recording, will get you far down the road.
I hope you leave this course feeling that you can do anything your teaching imagination can dream up. If you're willing to learn, burn a few hours working out the bugs, and keep your eyes on the prize, the possibilities really are there to make just about anything happen.