Chapter 7: Fun With Flickr: Creating, Publishing, and Using Images Online (Richardson)
You can usethe Flickr product like our text suggests or you can use Picasa Web. Either is great and our goal this week is to learn one of them. If you want to use Flickr, follow the direction in the text. For picasa Web, read below.
To get started on Picasa Web please visit their help site. Remember, Picasa Web is a Google product so you can use your Google username and password to gain access. One in, look for the upload button and put a few pictures in an album. Remember too there is also an application called “Picasa” it is a downloadable application that lets you edit photos and organize them. That is not necessary to our photo-sharing. If you want to download it you can, but it is not needed to use Picasa Web.
With these photo-sharing sites it is pretty easy to see the applications they have for families sharing pictures. It is more difficult to image the uses they may have in middle school or college courses, but it is not impossible. Here is a link to a short article on some of the potential photo-sharing has in the classroom. Please not the other links at the bottom of the article for further reading. In combination with Google Earth photo-sharing has become amazingly powerful. If you have never used Google Earth, download it and take some time to explore how it has used the images of national Geographic, the Hubble Telescope, and many photo-sharing sites to give users a “better image” of what is out there on our planet.
For this week’s assignment, please ponder some activities you might create to use photo-sharing sites in the classroom. The assignments don’t necessarily have to have the students using the sites, but it could be the instructor using the site to gather images to share with the class. Give at least two examples of how the activities might be presented in class.
Feeling stumped and can’t imagine an answer? Here is one more interesting way an online photo-sharing gallery might be used. Please type this as a blog entry and post it.
Assignment two this week is easy. Much of this web 2.0 content we are learning is embeddable, meaning it is able to be placed in other web 2.o environments. We have already placed our wiki in our Blackboard course, we have embedded YouTube in our Blackboard course, we have placed out blog in our Ning site. Oh my, too much! For this assignment please embed your images from your photo-sharing site into our Class Wiki. We made a special page on the wiki titled Photosharing Images.
As a blog post, compare your current or past use of visual instructional material with how web 2.0 technology could be used to present them. Are there unique ways that you and your students could collaborate with photosharing?
Larry Lessig, the Net’s most celebrated lawyer, cites John Philip Sousa, celestial copyrights and the "ASCAP cartel" in his argument for reviving our creative culture.
Fair Use Checklist
Creative Commons
Washington State University
The Big Bad "C"